

Thank you for visiting wilkynet.uk!
We provide outsourced IT and consultancy work for SMEs, supporting internal IT departments and supplementing your MSP's work in: 

  • IT project work
  • License assurance
  • Legacy system support
  • Service consolidation
  • Hardware relocation
  • Emergency support work
...plus much more!
Get in touch today to find out how we can move your business IT forward!

Looking for podHandler?

From 2015 to the end of 2019, wilkynet.uk provided podHandler, our in-house developed content delivery engine for podcasts and live audio broadcasts, providing advanced subscriber metrics to publishers for them to develop their audiences.
We have now retired the podHandler platform, but do provide support for existing deployments on an ad-hoc basis.

Copyright © 2014-2024 Wilkinson Network Services Limited